FAQs-Industry Related Facts

The first promotional product tradeshow was held in 1941 with 32 exhibitors. Promotional products are ranked the most effective form of advertising across all generations.

The first company to make promotional products opened in 1886. Jasper Meek deemed “The Father of Promotional Products” started using burlap bags to promote small businesses in 1886. 

 FAQ-Consumer Facts

63% of consumers pass along a promotional product they don’t use anymore.

Nearly 100% of consumers say they are willing to go out of their way to get a promotional product.

60% of consumers keep a promotional product for two years.

53% of people use a promotional product at least once a week.

72% of consumers believe that the quality of a promotional product is related to the reputation of the company.

48% of consumers would like to receive promotional products more often.

69% of consumers would pick up a promotional product if they thought it was useful.

96% of people want to know ahead of time when companies offer promotional products.

Consumers under the age of 55 prefer promotional products when asked what types of advertising they like best.

59% of employees who receive a promotional product from their employer have a more favorable impression of their workplace afterwards.

 FAQ-Facts about Specific Products

 31% of consumers own a promotional bag.

 84% of baby boomers report owning a promotional bag.

Brand recall is highest for apparel items, with 85% of people remembering the advertiser.

Health, safety, technology, and writing products were deemed most useful by consumers.

Bags generate the most impressions of any other product with nearly 6,000 over the time the item is use.

20% of consumers own more than 10 promo writing instruments.

Wearables are the most popular product category, followed by writing instruments, bags, calendars, and drinkware.

Bags and writing instruments tie for the lowest cost per impression at one-tenth of a cent.

63% of people keep promotional hats because they are attractive.

Promotional mugs are more effective than radio advertising with 57% of people recalling the advertiser on the mug, and only 28% able to recall the advertiser on T.V.

90% of consumers report owning branded drinkware.

47% of consumers keep a promotional t-shirt for 2 years or longer.

91% of people have a promotional product in their kitchen.

 A promotional calendar will generate around 850 impressions over its lifetime.

52% of trade show attendees are more likely to enter an exhibit with giveaways.

Adding a promotional product to social media ads increases the effectiveness by up to 44%.

42% of consumers have a more favorable opinion of an advertiser if the promotional product was environmentally friendly.